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The website contains 238 news.

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Website news

  • Thursday, 07. October 2010
      • Added a new Webcam page for St Hailaire du Touvet
      • Update the Sudoku generator
      • Translation of the Sudoku generator in english
      • Translation of some pages, for "Trips" part of the website

    • Monday, 04. October 2010
        • Added quotes from Albert Einstein
        • Updated quotes from Coluche

      • Thursday, 30. September 2010
          • Adding new Grand'ma tips

        • Monday, 27. September 2010
            • Update of the linux apt commands page
            • Update of dyspraxia papers generator

          • Sunday, 26. September 2010
              • Business card generator has been updated (it's now possible to choose the text color for the card)

            • Saturday, 25. September 2010
                • Translation of the Photo Gallery in english
                • Translation of Website Polls in english

              • Wednesday, 22. September 2010
                  • Added a page of the Fort Comboire

                • Wednesday, 15. September 2010
                    • Add new Grand Mother tips (many categories)

                  • Sunday, 12. September 2010
                      • Add new Grand Mother tops (kitchen, maintenance, health, crafts)

                    • Monday, 30. August 2010
                        • The Unix part of the site is 100% translated in English
                        • Translation of pages "Passions", "Photo gallery" and "links" in English
                        • Added the ability to write messages on the forum without being registered